Anderson (SC) Intelligencer

August 28, 1860

Page 3


                                                HEAD QUARTERS

                                    1st BRIGADE, 1st DIVISION, S.C.M.

                                                Greenville, S. C.


            ACCORDING to orders from HEADQUARTERS, an ELECTION is hereby ordered to be held, according to law, at the Regimental Parade Grounds of the Regiments comprising this Brigade, on the 27th day of September next, for MAJOR GENERAL to command 1st Division, S. C. M., and to fill vacancy occasioned by resignation of Major General Smith.  The result of said Election will be forwarded to this Office immediately thereafter.

Colonels commanding the respective Regiments are charged with the extension and execution of this Order.

By order of,

W. K. EASLEY, Brig. Gen’l.

H. LEE THERSTON, Brig. Major

Aug. 14


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]